Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Longleaf Partners Annual Meeting

(Disclaimer: I've been a shareholder in the flagship Longleaf Partners Fund since late 2008)
I'm not a big fan of the mutual fund industry which suffers from inferior talent, high expenses, closet indexing, and an obsession with relative returns. I've easily eliminated over 99% of the thousands of mutual funds out there from investment consideration, but funds such as Longleaf Partners (run by Southeastern Asset Management) have made it to my final list.

Longleaf's annual presentation is available at http://www.longleafpartners.com/news/annual_presentation_2011.cfm, and is well worth listening to.

Interview with Matt Taibbi (RT News)

At times, Matt Taibbi seems to be the only person doing any real investigative journalism on the financial industry.

The Arctic Light

Gorgeous video

The Arctic Light from TSO Photography on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Jim Rogers Trifecta

The outspoken Jim Rogers is on CNBC today and still bullish on Oil, and not so bullish on Silver (currently).

Oil: "The world is running out of known reserves of Oil"
Silver: "If anything turns into a parabolic move, you have to Sell"
Precious Metals: "A pullback would be good for the long term health of the market"

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

2011 Milken Institute Global Conference

The annual Milken Institute Global Conference is currently taking place in LA. They usually get a great group of speakers to come in for this, and this year is no exception.

Check out the link below for videos to all the presentations. The kickoff video (The Shape of Things to Come: Understanding the New Global Economy) features two speakers I had the pleasure of meeting last year: Mohamed El-Erian from PIMCO and Scott Minerd from Guggenheim Partners.